The Pyeong Chang Olympics It's Not Playing Games... When It Comes To Recycling

Putting an extra spin on recycling for the better. They are calling it “Carbon Responsible Games” as a vision of a low-carbon Olympic Games, as Pyeong Chang will try to minimize the negative impact of the Games through greenhouse gas reduction and offsetting it with innovative measures. Have you been following in the 2018 Olympics footsteps and participating by being Green, as well? Pyeong Chang is the greenest Olympic ever. Are you also participating in being Green? If you are not being Green but want to be, we at can give you some tips and show you easy ways that can begin to make a difference. The Olympics are doing it, so can you. Join in and help the cause, you’ll feel good about it, knowing that you are doing something worthwhile. Some innovative features being used at Pyeong Chang include: rainwater reuse facilities, recycling and waste segregation, and using food waste for fuel or f...