If our (The United States) goal is to be a "Zero Waste Nation" - we can start by following what Sweden is doing with their garbage. Turning Garbage Into Energy
Putting an extra spin on recycling for the better. They are calling it “Carbon Responsible Games” as a vision of a low-carbon Olympic Games, as Pyeong Chang will try to minimize the negative impact of the Games through greenhouse gas reduction and offsetting it with innovative measures. Have you been following in the 2018 Olympics footsteps and participating by being Green, as well? Pyeong Chang is the greenest Olympic ever. Are you also participating in being Green? If you are not being Green but want to be, we at Therealcycle.com can give you some tips and show you easy ways that can begin to make a difference. The Olympics are doing it, so can you. Join in and help the cause, you’ll feel good about it, knowing that you are doing something worthwhile. Some innovative features being used at Pyeong Chang include: rainwater reuse facilities, recycling and waste segregation, and using food waste for fuel or f...
We have to attack this problem head on and put this problem front and center. Not hiding it, and making believe that it doesn't exist. That's why we are here drawing you this very ugly picture. Because if you get involve and get on board, we can make a dent and help to create a chain-reaction and will eventually slow down the growth of one of these Gyres. I'm a firm believer than the only reason that these Gyres have gotten so big, so gigantic is because not enough people are aware that they even exist. . We are not about just having fun while creating art, at TheRealCycle.com, but we are here also to try to inform people of this crisis... way too much garbage. Just one of these Gyre (circular patch of mostly plastic debris) is the size of the state of Texas. That equals to 700,000 square kilometres or 270,000 square miles. And there are at least five Gyres in the ocean. They are in the South Atlantic, North Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific...
These are some of the categories you'll find that we cover. I believe that if it has to do with recycling...[it] should all be on one web-site, all in the same place. I found while doing research that it is hard to find some of the super cool stuff that is out there, made from recycled items. I found out it's not that easy to catch the recycle bug. I'm not talking about recycling bottle and cans, that's all fine a dandy and yes if you are doing that please keep on doing that, it does help. You can even go to the extent of living in an environment friendly home and driving an environment friendly car. Why am I doing what I do? I believe the easier it is for consumers like you to find items made by recycling manufactures and artists. The more those manufactures will sell, the more they sell their products, the more the prices will come down. Making those initially pricey products more mainstream. That everyone will be able to afford them, this will even out ...
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